The Almshouses since 1876
For the greater part of this period the Almshouses have performed their traditional function of providing adequate but somewhat meagre accommodation for those in need. Both establishments were usually full to capacity — 33 residents at Hosyer's, four at Foxe's. At Hosyer's, the presence of a warden and/or a matron gave additional support.
The coming of the welfare state after 1945 has changed but has not diminished the demand for almshouses. At Hosyer's, with a large building at their disposal, the Trustees have been able to improve and enhance the premises at various times, culminating in a complete refurbishment in the early 1980s. There are 15 flats, some for single persons, and others for married couples; and also a small common room. A lift has been installed and there is central heating throughout. Modernisation has not been so easy at Foxe's but a scheme is now under consideration by the Trustees.
Following advice from the Charity Commissioners, a scheme dated 1 January 1993 has established a new Hosyer-Foxe charity by amalgamating the former King Edward VI and Foxe charities. This reduces the number of Trustees to nine.
Our History
- The Palmers Guild of Ludlow
- John Hosyer, Draper
- Hosyer’s Almshouses under the Palmers Guild
- Hosyer’s Almshouses under Ludlow Borough Corporation
- Other charities benefiting the residents of Hosyer’s Almshouses between 1552 and 1835
- Charities benefiting the poor generally which were later associated with Hosyer’s Almshouses
- Charles Foxe Almshouses, 1593 – 1993
- The Age of Reform: Appointment of Ludlow Municipal Charity Trustees
- The Replacement of the Ludlow Municipal Charity Trustees by the King Edward VI Charity Trustees and by the Foxe’s Charity Trustees
- Charities bequeathed after 1837 and entrusted to the Ludlow Municipal Charity Trustees and their successors
- The Almshouses since 1876